Director: Guddu Dhanoa
Summary: In troubled Kashmir reside the Kaul family, consisting of Major Amrish, his wife Sudha, a son, Ajay, and a daughter. Ajay meets with two accidents on his motorcycle due to the carelessness of Neha Pandit, this leads to their meeting again, and both fall in love. Ajay finds out that Neha has been widowed, but this does not deter him, and he convinces her father-in-law R.K. Sharma to bless them, which he does so. Shortly after his approval, Neha is abducted by terrorists headed by Juded Afghani, who demand the release of their accomplice Naved Rabhani, and in exchange of Neha, Ms. Anita Saxena the daughter of India's Home Minister's Bhagwat Saxena. Ajay must abduct Anita if he is to ever see Neha alive again, but amongst Anita's bodyguard is Major Amrish Kaul, who have now re-located to New Zealand. Ajay travels to New Zealand, and does abduct Anita, only to find out that he is nothing more than a pawn in the hands of terrorists, and Neha herself, who is not what she claims to be. requires JavaScript.