The Eyes of Silence (2008)
Director: Avi Sidhu
Summary: The Eyes of Silence is a short story about basic human emotions set in a modern world where hate and war for religion rages. It's emphasis is to depict the underlying sensitivity in a very critical situation and how human values and fervor triumph over the objectives for bloodshed. The contrast of civilizations forms the backdrop of the film. The story revolves around an introspecting terrorist who is an explosives expert and has been given a mission to carry out. With the help of international affiliates he departs on the journey of a lifetime. The terrorist is one with a humane heart and a thoughtful mind and hence realizes that someone being killed here is like someone back home. The movie simply tries to drive the point that violence spawns violence and it leads to a chain reaction. Sanity prevails only when you pause and analyze the grim truth behind your actions and decide to make a change. requires JavaScript.