Director: Altaf Mazid
Summary: For Suren Boro and 6, 50, 000 people, living in 126 villages in the southern side of the River Pagladia, the river is a living god called 'Pagla Baba'. Situated in Indu-Bhutan International border of Assam, the river runs from the west to the east contrary to the locations of the villages in the south. Round the year the people remain engaged in pushing the river down south, for every use of water - drinking, household, irrigation. There is no other source. Since the 1920s, they have constructed 13 embankments with whatever materials at the disposal - boulder, stone, tree, climber, sand; plastic sheet is the latest inclusion in their armory. The film is about the shear physical strength of man and his patience in the face of the force called nature. It's about the prayers offered to the river gods, the simplicity of village life, male bonding and camaraderie. It's about life without water, and at the same time life that resolves around water every moment. It's about an India that still exists quietly somewhere. requires JavaScript.