Director: Nitin G., Rupesh Katare
Summary: The film's story revolves around Abhiman Marathe, who works as an executive officer in an MNC in Mumbai. The 25-year-old, who is earning big bucks, falls in love with his colleague Suniti Singh, a beautiful Manipuri girl. However, life takes a 180 degree turn for Abhiman, when he hears a corrupt and dishonest cabinet minister, disrespecting India's most revered freedom fighter Veer Savarkar. The young patriot sets out to teach the politician a lesson but is deterred by his family, friends and office colleagues. In order to accomplish his mission, he also resigns from his high paying job. In his fight against the corrupt leader, he is joined by a downtrodden youth Suryakant Pawar, his girlfriend Suniti and another young man from Konkan, Kranti Kamble. Later, when he starts using social media to spread awareness about his mission, he receives an overwhelming response from the youth of the nation, which in turn gives him huge media coverage that enables him to reach out to a much wider audience. Abhiman's journey to fight for Savarkar's honour starts in Mumbai and concludes in New Delhi. requires JavaScript.