Director: Samar Belwal
Summary: An award-winning(2nd Run) short film "Nyoli" by Samar Belwal at the Second Edition Of THFF 2023 - leh, portrays a unique experience where a mother gets lost in memories of her daughter and sings "Nyoli," calling out to her home amidst the mountains. The film narrates the story of the mother's struggle, as she defies her age to battle through the mountains, and within that struggle, she carries a glimmer of hope. The way the mother's voice breathes life into her daughter's memories and beckons her towards their home, there lies a compelling narrative. The voice of "Nyoli" is woven with echoes of the mountains' heights and the memories of loved ones. The film illustrates Nyoli's journey of struggle, wherein even in her final moments, she does not hesitate to share her voice. Instead, her voice rejuvenates all hopes and desires. requires JavaScript.