Director: A Kamal Deep
Summary: Introducing WAH - a short film dedicated to raising awareness about website address hacking and cyber security. Inspired by true events and filled with messages of cyber security and thoughtfulness, WAH - Website Address Hacker is all about a person who is watching a movie, gets a message on his mobile about the latest offers. He logs into the website and buys a shirt from using his credit card. Goes back to the movie. After One hour he gets a message that 10000 rupees was debited from his card. He calls the customer care to check, if the information is valid. The customer service agent states that 2 transactions were made on the card and yes 10000 was debited. The person goes bizarre. Could not think of anyway out and realizes that he was trapped. Because he overthought he goes to sleep. Since he was watching "INCEPTION - DREAM WITHIN A DREAM". He goes into the dream and wakes up in the dream not the next day by previous day. He watches what he did the next day till the time had arrived for him to buy the shirt. He checks the website address being non-legitimate one, after entering the card details and saving them on the website, the hacker was able to easily hack the card details and hacked 10000 rupees. The person comes out of the dream in a flash and realizes that non-legitimate website was the prime reason, and remembers that he has to delete the card details and does it immediately. CYBER CRIME CAN HAPPEN AT ANYTIME ANYWHERE, NEVER SAVE ANY OF THE CARD DETAILS ON ANY OF THE WEBSITES. TIME FOR YOU GO BACK TO THE WEBSITES AND DELETE ALL THE CARD DETAILS. requires JavaScript.