Director: Gopal Raghani
Summary: It a Sindhi movie, is based on life and times of a Sindhi saint Sai Teoonramji Maharaj (1887-1942). Sadguru Sai Teoonram was born in Khandu village in Sindh province of then undivided India (now Pakistan). Sai Teoonram was associated with spiritual thoughts since childhood. At the very young age he used to go to farms and forests to do meditation for hours. At the age of 12, he made Sai Asuram his guru and remained his disciple till Sai Asuram's death. After his father Shri Chellaram's death, Sai Teoonram started doing sat-sangs and bhajans in the village and his popularity rose among the villagers. The Sarpanch of the village could not digest this and threw Sai Teoonram out of the village by making false allegations. As soon as Sai Teoonram left, a storm hit the village and people started falling ill. The Sarpanch was horrified and he brought Sai Teoonram back to the village. As soon as Sai came back to the village, everything became normal once again and people's faith in Sai increased further. Sai freed the people from killing animals and consuming alcohol and kept doing his sat-sang, bhajans. Later, Sai visited Haridwar and began to wear saffron robe. He relinquished attachment, lust and anger and left his house. Along with his disciples he went to Tando Dib and built an ashram named Amrapur Ashram. He spent the rest of his life in Amarpur Ashram. requires JavaScript.