Director: Satheesh Ananthapuri
Summary: Devika Varma (Devu)'s family was a rich traditional Varma family. Somehow they lost everything and Devu's parents committed suicide. She was then 5 years old. She became an inmate in an orphanage run by a Christian Church, where she met a boy named Roy Joseph who was the only son of a multi-millionaire planter Joseph Zakaria.He was a nice boy. He loved every kids in that orphanage and visited there whenever he gets time. Roy was 7 years old. Roy and Devu became thick friends. When they grew up, the friendship became love. Roy promised her that he will marry her. Joseph Zackariya's brothers are rich and powerful. they won't allow their son to marry such a Hindu orphan girl, one day Roy taken Devu to Malankanippara,which is a dangerous zone in that high range. As per Zackariya brother's instructions, Poonjar, a criminal and his gunda team and Roy's cousin brothers followed them to Malankaanippara. Cousins took him to the nearest river.When they came back, Devu was not there. DEVU WAS MISSING !. requires JavaScript.