Director: Moumita Paul
Summary: The narrator psychically channels an entity that identifies himself as 'Lucifer'. Lucifer talks about our universe being a giant, torus-shaped, black hole and how to teleport across it, without dying. He also shares his unknown backstory. Lucifer has been historically framed as 'Satan' but he is not what you think. He is one of the seven archangels of Yeshua, and in his film, he shares how his 'fall' has been misinterpreted by humans and religion and culminated into satanism. He also shares vivid details of how we can do space travel, how our solar system is moving across the universe, what is the shape of the universe, what are parallel realities, and how we can teleport to any corner of it. This allows us to not die while we are traveling across space because we can "skip time". requires JavaScript.